Research Categories

ROS Characterization & Reaction Monitoring

J. Herman and S.L. Neal, “Efficiency of the Imidazole plus RNO Method for Singlet Oxygen Detection in Biorelevant Solvents Using Time-resolved, Broadband UV-Vis Absorbance Measurements,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 411(20):5287-5296.
J. Herman, Y. Zhang, V. Castranova, S.L. Neal, “Emerging Technologies for Optical Spectral Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2018 410(24), 6079–6095. (Review)
Neal, Sharon L. "Multivariate Analysis of Mixed Lipid
Aggregate Phase Transitions Monitored Using Raman Spectroscopy." Applied
spectroscopy 72.1 (2018): 102-113.
 B.A. Rowe and S.L. Neal, “Photokinetic Analysis of PRODAN
and LAURDAN in Large Unilamellar Vesicles Using Multivariate Frequency-Domain
Fluorescence,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006 110(30); 15021-15028.
M.M. Villegas and S.L. Neal, “Model-Independent Analysis of
Pyrene Photokinetics in SDS Micelles,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1997
101(37) 6890-6896.